Video Portal talk:Systems science/Did you know
Suggestions for future "Did you know" facts
A listing is created here below to suggest future "Did you know" facts and subscripts for the systems science portal.
Feel free to add "Did you know" facts to the listing. If the queue is too long for your liking, just push an earlier "Did you know" fact to the end or rearrange as you see fit.
I suggest we eventually try for variation in time period and subject matter. - Mdd 13:48, 11 September 2007 (UTC)
A start
In the list of systems scientists I kind of started collecting the systems scientists and their "Did you know" facts. However the texts over there, are not really suitable here. - Mdd 13:48, 11 September 2007 (UTC)
Maps Portal talk:Systems science/Did you know
Next Update: Suggestions
- ... that Johann Heinrich Lambert detailed systems theory (e.g. Fragment einer Systematologie, 1787) before the development of the "Allgemeine Systemtheorie" (1937) ?
- ... that Ludwig von Bertalanffy developed the "Allgemeine Systemtheorie" since 1937 in talks and since 1946 in publications ?
- ... that the translation of "Allgemeine Systemtheorie" (or Lehre) with "general system theory" has lead to misunderstandings ?
- ... that Plato's work Philebus (BC 360/347) contains systems usage ?
- ... that Gottfried Leibniz wanted to design a mathematical system with his Characteristica universalis ?
- ... that
- ... that
Did you know about systems
From Wikipedia:Recent additions
- ...that British Columbians will get a second chance to vote on replacing the winner-takes-all election system with a single-transferable-vote system?
- ...that Sir Ralph Howell, farmer and Conservative MP for North Norfolk for 27 years, argued for the adoption of a "workfare" system of unemployment benefits in the UK?
- ...that French geometer Émile Lemoine proposed a system of five operations to measure the "complexity" of compass and straightedge constructions?
- ...that prior to Interstate 410 and the Interstate Highway System, Texas State Highway Loop 13 was the primary loop around San Antonio?
- ...that Frederick Law Olmsted planned for The Dorchesterway to extend his Emerald Necklace park system all the way to Boston Harbor?
- ...that the Satellite Transit System at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is the second oldest airport people mover system in the U.S.?
- ...that Tibbia College, with 84 patents in herbal medicine, is the only medical institution in India to offer education and training in two ancient systems of medicine, Ayurveda and Unaani?
- ...that the Valens Aqueduct was the major water-providing system of medieval Constantinople and Ottoman Istanbul?
- ...that the Métro léger de Tunis, a public transport system using light rail, is the only one of its kind in Africa?
- ...that key donors of land to Louisville, Kentucky's 26-mile parkway system included a veteran of the Confederate Army and a notorious political boss?
- ...that Robert Parker's newsletter The Wine Advocate was the first to widely adopt the 50-100 scale wine rating scale, using it as parallel to the American educational grading system?
- ...that TenneT, the Dutch transmission system operator, is a joint owner of the ±450 kV, 580-km NorNed, the longest high-voltage undersea power line in the world?
- ...that Pandora Jewelry's charm bracelets feature a patented thread system that allows beads to be evenly spaced across the band?
Wikipedia:Recent additions
- 202
- ...that immunologist Robert A. Good documented the importance of the thymus gland and tonsils in the immune system and performed the first successful human bone marrow transplant?
- ...that with the testing of the PAD missile, India became the fourth country to have successfully demonstrated an anti-ballistic missile system?
- ...that the Aboriginal Community Court is an Australian court which aims to reduce the overrepresentation of aboriginal criminal offenders in the justice system?
- ...that a former principal of Tubman Elementary School received a national award for her work which included a discipline program featuring a due process system for punishment referrals?
- ...that, despite being added to California's state highway system in 1933, the portion of State Route 190 over the Sierra Nevada remains unconstructed?
- ...that the German Agricultural Society sets the assessment scale for the German wine classification system?
- ...that besides a mobile library, the Mobile Public Library also operates a system of libraries with eight branches and a local history and genealogy division with permanent addresses in Alabama?
- ...that Portugal was taken to court over its failure to implement EU directives regarding its water supply and sanitation systems?
- ...that over 200 towns and cities in Brazil are served with a sewer system known as condominial sewerage?
- ...that the International Association for Plant Taxonomy organizes international symposia on problems of plant systematics?
- ...that there was once an estuarine valley with a rich abundance of New Zealand flounders near Waipatiki, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, but it became a stream system after an earthquake in 1931?
- ...that Wales had one of the highest literacy rates in eighteenth century Europe thanks to the wealthy Bridget Bevan (pictured), who sponsored a system of "circulating schools"?
- ...that Marsha Looper, a Republican state legislator elected to the Colorado House of Representatives in 2006 by a 2-to-1 margin, is also a systems engineer, real estate broker, and rancher?
- ...that systematic mapping of the Michelangelo quadrangle on Mercury has revealed the presence of four nearly obliterated multi-ring impact basins, possibly the oldest features in the mapped areas of the planet
- ...that the Beethoven crater in the Beethoven quadrangle on Mercury is the eleventh largest named impact crater in the Solar System?
- ...that Montgomery Ward president Robert J. Thorne was an unpaid assistant to the Quartermaster General during World War I, and won the Distinguished Service Medal for reorganizing the U.S. Army's supply system?
- ...that the ancient Kingdom of Nri in present-day Nigeria was one of the few governments in history to use no military power, instead implementing a taboo system, to govern Nri's subjects?
- ...that Clyde Fastlink, a planned £42m dedicated bus service, is an interim measure for Glasgow's proposed light rail system?
- ...that the Articulating Propulsion System with thrust vectoring control allows the Super Dvora Mk III to function in shallow waters at drafts of 1.2 meters for various mission environments?
- ...that some U.S. commercial airliners are now being equipped with the Northrop Grumman Guardian anti-missile system to counter terrorist attacks with shoulder-launched missiles?
- ...that the Lockheed NF-104A (pictured), equipped with a reaction control system as well as a rocket engine to supplement a jet engine, was a low-cost training vehicle for American astronauts in the 1960s?
- ...that a series of explosions destroyed two miles of Louisville, Kentucky's sewer system on Friday the 13th in February 1981?
- ...that the automatic tire chain system OnSpot was created in 1977 by a Swedish inventor who mounted it onto a local milk delivery truck?
- ...that some experts believe a cylinder seal (pictured) from the prehistoric San Andrés site is evidence for an Olmec writing system?
- ...that Apo Reef in Sablayan, Mindoro is the world's second-largest contiguous coral reef system and the largest in the Philippines?
- ...that Victoria Mansion (pictured) in Portland, Maine was built in 1860 with many conveniences including wall-to-wall carpeting, central heating, hot and cold running water, gas lighting and a servant's call system?
- ...that the French physician and agronomist Jules Guyot revolutionized the training of grape vines, and the Guyot-system is extensively used throughout vineyards in Europe?
- ...that new bacterial species names are not considered valid until published in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology?
- ...that because of its karez well system, an ancient water system using gravity, Turfan became a prosperous Silk Road oasis city located in the second deepest depression in the world?
- ...that hackers and rogue system administrators often seek to eliminate evidence of their unauthorized activities by manipulating the Microsoft Windows Security Log?
- ...that when Nebraska completed construction of its stretch of Interstate 80 in 1974, it became the first state in the U.S. to complete its mainline interstate system?
- ...that a graffiti artist from the Bronx named PHASE 2 invented the famous "bubble letter" style of graffiti writing when tagging trains on the New York City Subway system in the early 1970s?
- ...that the Jay Pritzker Pavilion, an outdoor bandshell and great lawn, uses an innovative sound system that recreates an indoor concert hall sound experience?
- ...that the boulevards in Omaha, Nebraska are part of a 1889 system designed by Horace Cleveland that Omaha city planners are currently starting to reutilize to guide suburban street design?
- ...that the Arly-Singou ecosystem shelters the largest remaining population of lions in West Africa?
- ...that the Underfall Yard takes its name from a unique system of sluices designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel to remove silt from Bristol Harbour?
- ...Amri Hernandez-Pellerano, a Puerto Rican electronics engineer and scientist, designed the power systems electronics for the NASA WMAP mission?
- ...that during an emergency, U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules cargo planes can be modified with the Modular Airborne FireFighting System and used to help fight forest fires?
- ...that unlike most plesiosaurs, Leptocleidus once lived in shallow lagoon environments and likely visited brackish and fresh water systems such as the mouths of rivers?
- ...that Presbyterian minister Robert Jefferson Breckinridge is known as the father of the public school system in Kentucky?
- ...that at the time of Roman rule in Palestine, the village of Um ar-Rehan, now located in the Barta'a enclave of the Seam Zone, held a hundred houses, a road system and a Roman bathhouse?
- ...that the automatic tide signalling system at Irvine harbour, North Ayrshire, invented and patented by its harbourmaster Martin Boyd, is probably unique, opened in 1906?
- ...that Howe Yoon Chong played a key role in establishing Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit system, Changi Airport (pictured) and public housing?
- ...that in the 1990s, business process outsourcing company PeopleSupport gave their employees Standard Occupational Classification System job titles such as gladiator, crusader, and marketing mechanic?
- ...that Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom for the Nintendo Entertainment System was released in both licensed and unlicensed versions?
- ...that Major League Baseball for Nintendo was the first ever video game licensed by the MLB?
- ...that the Top 14 competition in French rugby union will test a change to the sport's bonus point system in the upcoming 2007-08 season?
- ...that the social reform organization Pasmanda Muslim Mahaz has been labeled "un-Islamic" by upper caste Muslims?
- ...that Edward Filene, the American entrepreneur who built Filene's department store and Filene's Basement, also founded the 87-million member US credit union system in 1907?
- ...that Mother Frances Hospital, a part of Trinity Mother Frances Health System, opened a day early in 1937 due to the explosion of a nearby school?
Source of article : Wikipedia