MOPP (chemotherapy) By Admin - April 30, 2018 src: MOPP is a combination chemotherapy regimen used to treat Hodgkin's disease. The acronym is derived from th...
Vascular access for chemotherapy By Admin - April 30, 2018 src: In medicine, vascular access is a means of accessing the circulatory system through the peripheral or central vascul...
Teenage pregnancy in Australia By Admin - April 30, 2018 src: Teenage pregnancy is girl between the ages of 13 and 19, becoming pregnant. The term used in every day speech usually ref...
Yadier Molina By Admin - April 30, 2018 src: Yadier Benjamin Molina ( Spanish pronunciation: [?a'djer mo'lina] ; born July 13, 1982), nicknamed " Yadi ...